Wednesday, December 17, 2008

you are beautiful

aku dok click2 kat youtube ni n t'jumpe this poet. amir sulaiman.i tot he juz like sum typical rapper (d effin etc...)tp he's not like dat at all. i like to hear him recite his poem.suare die yg serak2 tu mcm best lak.nway, diz is 1 of my fav poem by him.aku pilih ni, sbb aku taw ramai pompuan kat luar sane yg lebih selesa mendiamkan diri daripada fight back.i think, that shud change.i think we shud fight if sumbody wanna hurt us or hef been hurting us physically n mentally.kite x boleh diam je...make urself urself n i love u too.hehehe...njoy =)

HOW BEAUTIFUL -amir sulaiman-

How beautiful are you? * you didnt think you were beautiful enough to say, "I want to be loved, Not taken advantage of " * You must have not known you are dove * Aflying far above dark valleys of tears and blood * Of those that know sex * And carnal pleasure * But not love * You didn't think you were beautiful enough to say, "Don't talk to me like that" * You didn't think you were beautiful enough to say, "Don't touch me like that" * You didn't think you were beautiful enough to have, any position but on your back * You didn't even think you were beautiful enough to fight back * So you laid lifeless * As you innermost chambers were, attacked and torn and attacked and torn * You closed your eyes * Trying to find some place black and warm * Somewhere you are safe from the storm, of the norm * Of beast holding from you legs neck and arms * As your innermost chambers are attacked and torn, attacked and torn * You lie being thrown * From your back to your front to your side * From your back to your front to your side * Bare cold and naked and desperately trying to hide * And any sign of pride has been torn from your insides * And you can't even conjure up the emotion to cry * You don't even spend your time wondering why * You simply wonder * If you'll ever be a wife or mother * Or if you'll ever be gently touched instead of grabbed * Or if you'll ever be gently guided instead of dragged * Or if you'll ever be appreciated * [As] opposed to just had * You didn't think you were beautiful enough to say, "I don't want to be raped" * By the time you are ugly enough, to know that you were beautiful it will be too late * By the time you are ugly enough, to know that you were beautiful it will be too late * I swear by God you are beautiful * Don't wait until it's too late *


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