situation- got a msg frm mr. ex." nak kawen dgn sy x?"...girl asked back d same question to him. answer= mr ckp miss blaja tinggi la,itu ini la.adoi..d way he answer dat question, yg wat aku x gemo perangai die, kepada kwn2 perempuan sy, ape kes laki ni ek?kalu da takot sgt nk commit dgn perempuan2 yg blaja tinggi, (tinggi sgt ke???) x payah la start couple.x payah la nak start game2 sgt ek main2 perasaan org?(aku x marah, sekadar btanye...)kepada kawan2 laki, sudike kamu tlg saya phm kenapa laki ni wat mcm perkara d atas? people love d idea of falling in love..(kawan couple, kite pon nak couple,sume pon couple)but how far they're willing to fight for d real love?

situasi lain- couple yg x pnh jumpe.x payah pelik, mmg pon mostly sebuah permainan yg menarik.aku kate permainan, sbb x knl sgt org tu,yet couple gak.saje wat geli2.but for how long nk kenal seseorg tu widout meeting them?do d girl need to make d 1st move by going to him instead waiting gile sabar for him to come to d girl? (zaman skrg kan perempuan brani sgt...) for me, better lg guy dtg kat girl, as wat my bro said "kalu jantan, datang rumah la..." x ramai laki yg brani mcm tu kn?sbb mostly they juz playing d of psychology..i cant say its a game of love coz love is a beautiful things which not all of us can understand it.(aku pon..huhu)
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