been thinkin bout ape yg aku patot bg kat org2 opis tu. nak masak, tgh malas lak. aku pon korek la kotak harta karun artsy2 kat blk la hasilnye utk akak2 t'syg kat maxis-neo. jgn lupe daku...hehehe ^^. sowi ek. messy sket hasil keje tu.1st tym try stained glass ni. main bantai jek.huhu
lil japanese dollies
stained small glasses...comot, coz 1st tym buat.sooowi...
ni spesel sket...for my supervisor n my akak...
end tgh keringkan paint tu
utk geng58 xde ker?hehe..gurau je
nen, thanks a lot!!!! so touched to receive it. hug n kiss for u~ all the best ya!!! tadi masa lunch, nak tanya anis, mana nen :~
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