hahaha...nie 1st tym dtg2 xde org lg kat opis...whr is everyone ha?cuti oledi kot..ujong thn.masing2 da cam malas2?? n panas!!mane aircond ni?sah! trip lg la nih...
nway..tired2,kaki sakit lagi.adoi la wei...*ish3...sabo3...
nway..tired2,kaki sakit lagi.adoi la wei...*ish3...sabo3...
*kaki kami mase ujan*
yesterday event was ok. but i do prefer rally more than racing tho...abes lencun aku punye baju.fun gak spend tym ngan adek2..haha. i cant wait 4 20th dec nih.ayah kate nk bwk tent bagai nk camping. *yea yea!!
eh, sape2 nk join pon ok meh..xde hal punye.. or u can join us in here...
back to my office now...senyap nak mampos!!!! help!!nape la sume siyes sgt kat cni? seb bek le kejap jek..i need a muse!tp sume bapak org..hahaha...xleh2..bahaye u...but still hv to b profesional occay!..buat2 sebok.bos xdok.mane tah.sy na tgk wyg.jom2..leh x lari jap kang tym lunch?sape mau folo?hehe
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