Wednesday, June 24, 2009


b4, i was so damn rajin writing letter to friends. pen-pal thingy not so good with computer back then. writing is so much fun. plus u can keep the letter as souveniours kn...hihi. dats wat i did la. later can open n read it again n gelak sesorg.. =p. anyway, lets the story begin......

one evening, a few years back...
i got a letter frm sum 1 called herman hasan frm sabah yg i didnt know sapekh gerangannye.. it was 2004, i made a few eid fitr cards for my frens. i cant remember to whom i gave those to but 1 of them is for my pen-pal MAN. im not sure his full name, so i juz wrote MAN on top of the address. long story short, on november 2004 (based on d date of d letter k...), i got a letter from sabah. i tot it was frm MAN but it was frm a diffrent MAN da....

we xchange a few letters pastu da mls da nk tulis2 surat. coz at dat time tgh populer bab2 sms ni. so, asyik sms je la... its been bout 5 years now. he juz got married last year. he send me some wed pics n wed gift (die kawen, aku lak dpt gift.hehe...). he's marrying miss anis. sweet girl from sabah. n today, 24 jun 2009, they got a baby boy!! im so happy for them.cant wait to c d baby boy (xcited siot!!)...

tho we nvr meet each other, our friendship so far so good la. but xle nk kaco2 salu dah... org punye.. x bek la kn.. so to my never met bestfriend, thx u for ur friendship n congratulation for the baby boy. hope anis n baby sehat2. jaga dorg elok2 taw. im sooo happy for both of u (sonoknye dpt baby.....).

Monday, June 22, 2009

Parents... ALERT!

i was reading a blog where i found this link bout child kidnap trick in jb.true story. read it n pass it kat sume2 org ek. hati2 syg while shopping. lagi2 yg bwk budak2 kecik ni..

phat rides - 8tv

one sunday morning...

dad: 8tv nk dtg utk cover rally sprint on 28 ni...
mua: erk? slot ape lak die nk masukkn? trippin ke?
(xcited jap.. =p)
dad: pat ape tah.. ari rabu mlm..930. nnt cek la..
mua: pat???

(curious2... masuk blk, surf 8tv web. cek punye cek punye cek...rupenye2nye...lari kuar
jumpe ayh blk kt dpn...)

mua: ayah...phat rides la (bunyi "fat ra-id")... bukan pat..
(he pronounce phat jadi 'pat' whr it shud be 'fat')
dad:ooo, ape makenye tu?
mua:cool.. ihik2
(ayahku sgt comel bile die shy2 kucen... die pon sengih2 jek..)

its good kn 8tv nk cover motorsport kat m'sia ni. we need dat. cant wait for diz sunday.. jom join kami tanning. hihi


congratulation to my sis n bro 4 their blogs. da kene sengat dek lebah blog.. hehe. rajin2 kn la menulis ek.

bro, bout rokok tu, kureng2 kn le..x elok. mmg la tensi, tp byk lg bende len yg bole d channelkn ketensian tu.

psl pompuan ek..hmm, bahasa ko agk kasar la. x ssh nk ckp ngan pompuan. nnt kite diskusi kt umh..

sis, awat kecik sgt tulisan tu?x le bace neh.

nway, syg kamoo slalu... *plok2